5640 N Illinois St, Indianapolis, Indiana 46208, United States
Goals are something you want to have and are willing to work towards.
Kids Earn 15 Stripes
Adults Earn 5 Stripes
Stances and Strikes
Single Lapel Escape
Double Lapel Escape
Beginning Circle System: Pattern 1
Beginning Circle System: Pattern 2
Back Fall
Sparring Techniques
Slow Rhythm Sparring
Kiba Dachi (Side Fighting Stance)
Zenkutsu Dachi (Forward Fighting Stance)
Kiai (Yell)
Gedan Barai (Low Block)
Mawashi Uke (Roundhouse Block)
Tate Tsuki (Vertical Fist)
Nishi Ken (Split Finger Eye Strike)
Tetsu Tsuki (Hammer Fist)
Geri (Kick)
Mawashi Geri (Roundhouse Kick)
Mae Geri (Front Kick)
Yoko Kekomi (Side Thrust Kick)
Ichi (One)
Ni (Two)
San (Three)
Shi (Four)
Go (Five)
Roku (Six)
Shichi (Seven)
Hachi (Eight)
Ku (Nine)
Ju (Ten)
Every day, do five pushups, ten sit ups, and the first five moves of Pinan one.